Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Fighter Jet

With supersonic power, the jet plane wooshes into the sky. Soaring above the clouds, the sleek plays combat games with his mate. the aviators jet was shot down so he glides down.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Samoan langusge week

Samoan language week from Team 5 PES on Vimeo.

First thing this morning PT England school helped Celebrate  samoan language week senenity and chrishiat opened our assembly with a prayer on the stage litte kids from the samoan kindergarter sang a song with their teacher the Pt Engaland samoan  group performed a dace my favourite bit ws doing the siva with the boys.Tamaki college come on the stage last they had a great performance their dance  ended the ceremony happy samoan language week!

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Army Story

During the combat we lost a lot of men. We won but a lot of men died. I was shot and wounded, but I lived. Right in front off my eyes a man died, he had been shot In the heart.  Even though I felt bad for the men, I too had lost a friend, his name was Javan. 

Addition Stragtegy

Addition strategy from Team 5 PES on Vimeo.

addition strategy Nate

Addition strategy from Team 5 PES on Vimeo.